
Whisky & Beards is always looking at new ways to promote poetry. Below are a few of the projects we’re currently running:

Tongue Punch

Tongue Punch is our monthly poetry night. Running out of the outstanding Tom Thumb Theatre, we pack ten poets and musicians on to the stage, give them ten minutes each, with plenty of space to get drinks, and let them run wild. All threaded together with jokes, anecdotes and monologues by our host: Connor Sansby.
With the support of the venue, we’ve been able to make this night Pay-What-You-Feel, meaning it stays accessible to everyone and not just those who can afford a cover price.

Poetry Jukebox

The Poetry Jukebox is a real life access-point to a virtual portal of poetry, providing bite-sized chunks of poetry while people go about their everyday lives.
We are currently redeveloping the platform to run quicker, and re-curating our list of poetry, before installing the platform in public,

Poetry Pop-Up Bookshop

The Poetry Pop-Up Bookshop is a suitcase converted into a miniature bookshop by pop-up expert Dan Thompson. Initially beginning as a feature of Landing Place events, the suitcase now tours around events with a selection of poetry from poets all over Kent, including Gary Studley of Soundlines and Barry Fentiman-Hall of Wordsmithery.

Thanet Poetry Journal

Thanet Poetry Journal is a digital and in-print zine featuring poets with a connection to The Isle of Thanet. Featuring a different ediotr from the local scene, Thanet Poetry Journal has played host to Thanet Wirters for Volume 3 and Harry Baker for Volume 4 (coming soon).
Issues can be found on our Pay-What-You-Feel store, Etsy or in person at gigs around Kent.

Poetry Micro-Residency Scheme

Begun in 2018 as part of Margate Festival: NOW!, the Poetry Micro-Residency scheme is a way for businesses to engage with the arts by hosting a poet for the day. The poet observes the events of their partnered business and composes poetry on location throughout the day on a vintage typewriter.